Read about the information you send to us and what we will use it for.

Service area covered by this privacy notice

External CCTV (via Runnymede Borough Council).

Purpose of the processing

The Council collects personal information to enable it to process incidents captured on CCTV cameras located throughout the district.

Lawful basis for processing personal data

  • Public Task
  • Legal Obligation

Categories of personal data being processed

Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, images, car number plates, date of birth, proof of address, organisation, relationship to data subject, criminal offence data, details of question or enquiry, gender, proof of name change.

Special categories of personal data being processed (if appropriate)

Proof of identity, health data, ethnic or racial origin data.

Conditions for processing special categories of personal data

Substantial public interest.

Who the data might be shared with

Staff, Runnymede Borough Council, Police (under a legal obligation), legal representative of the Court (i.e. under RIPA or other legal obligation), insurance companies, solicitors, Security Industry Authority, relevant officers to the Court and/or other enforcement agencies, representatives of the data subject or company whose personal data we are processing.

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