Find out how our Housing and Homelessness Strategy helps us meet local needs.
We have adopted our Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023 - 2027. The strategy is a living document that we will update regularly and measure and monitor progress against the strategy objectives.
Why we need a Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy
All councils have to produce a homelessness strategy by law. In Rushmoor, we have prepared a wider-ranging document to cover both homelessness and our other housing work, giving a clear structure for us and our housing partners to provide housing and housing-related services for our residents.
The strategy helps to make sure that:
- Our existing housing is in a good, safe condition
- New housing meets the needs and aspirations of our community and is built to good quality standards
- We target limited affordable housing resources to those who need them the most
- What we do links well with other organisations, such as housing associations, private landlords and other specialist agencies
How we produce the strategy
We put the strategy together using information we have on housing needs in Rushmoor and evidence of what is happening in the local housing market. We also take into account:
- Government policy
- Views of residents, councillors, housing service providers and other partners
About the strategy
Our strategy will help guide us in meeting the current and future housing needs of people in Rushmoor. We need to make sure that good quality housing is available for many different households including:
- Families
- Single people
- Older people
- People who need specialist accommodation
- People who cannot afford to rent or buy a home of their own
- People who are looking to buy their first home
- People moving into Rushmoor to work
Supporting information on housing need and the housing market
For more information on our Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy, please contact our please contact our Housing Strategy and Enabling Team using the contact details below.
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