Details of the plans for the Aldershot Urban Extension (Wellesley).
Aldershot Urban Extension planning applications approved
There is planning consent for up to 3,850 new homes, together with road improvements, schools, public open space and other facilities on the Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) site north of Aldershot town centre.
A special meeting of the Development Control Committee on 4 July 2013 considered the applications by the MOD and Grainger plc and approved them unanimously, subject to conditions and completion of a legal agreement.
At its meeting on 4 December 2013, the Development Control Committee unanimously approved some amendments to the terms and conditions of the planning permission.
A decision notice for Conservation Area Consent (12/00959/CON) was issued on 10 July 2013. A decision notice for outline planning permission, including full approval for Maida Zone Phase One (12/00958/OUT), was issued on 10 March.
Committee reports and developer's summaries
You can download the committee reports below:
- Development Control Committee report - 4 December 2013
- AUE committee report sections 1-10 - Development Control Committee 4 July 2013
- AUE committee report sections 11 - 13 - Development Control Committee 4 July 2013
- Addendum report - Development Control Committee 4 July 2013
Grainger prepared a summary of the main features of the Wellesley AUE planning application.
Grainger also published summaries of its plans for the Cambridge Military Hospital and the conversion of Headquarters 4th Division into neighbourhood centre.
How to view the AUE planning application documents
You can view both applications and related documents online:
You can download a selection of the key documents and plans relating to the outline planning application on the AUE planning documents page.
Consultation on both planning applications is now closed.
About the Aldershot Urban Extension
The Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) is in the southern part of the military town and north of Aldershot town centre.
It is one of the largest brownfield regeneration sites in the south east of England and is made up of about 150 hectares of development land plus over 100 hectares of green open space.
The development of the AUE will create a sustainable new community in a high quality landscape and contribute to the regeneration of Aldershot town centre.
Of the 3,850 proposed new homes, 35% will be affordable. Historic buildings like the Cambridge Military Hospital and Headquarters 4th Division will be preserved and brought back into use as homes and community facilities.
Delivering the AUE development
The land is owned by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, which has appointed Grainger plc as development partners. The development is called Wellesley.
Grainger plc submitted the two planning applications for the site at the end of 2012.
Our Development Control Committee considered the applications at meetings on 4 July and 4 December 2013 and approved them unanimously, subject to conditions and completion of a legal agreement.
Decision notices for both applications have now been issued.
Grainger plc plans to develop the site in phases, with work on Maida Zone Phase One starting this year. You can find out more about Grainger's vision for the AUE on the Grainger Wellesley website.
Principles for developing the AUE
The council's Local Plan contains a detailed policy for the Aldershot Urban Extension (Policy SP5 - Wellesley). The policy sets out a range of criteria that the development at the site needs to satisfy, including high-quality urban design.
The Planning Brief for the Cambridge Military Hospital, adopted in 2008, sets out similar guidelines for the Hospital and its surrounding historic buildings.
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