A selection of supporting documents submitted with the AUE (Wellesley) planning application.

The AUE planning application document library lists the plans and documents submitted with the planning application.

You can view the main documents from the links below.

These are all available online as part of the AUE outline planning application information.

You can also view the Section 106 Agreement dated 10 March 2014.

Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) - general background documents
A selection of general background documents and plans for the Aldershot Urban Extension (Wellesley) planning application.

Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) - design and heritage documents
AUE (Wellesley) planning application documents, including the design and access statement, conservation plan and heritage strategy.

Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) - implementation documents
Affordable housing and delivery strategies for the Aldershot Urban Extension (Wellesley) planning application.

Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) - environmental and transport documents
A selection of planning application documents about the environmental and transport impact of the AUE (Wellesley).

Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) - green space and infrastructure documents
Planning application documents relating to the green space and infrastructure of the Aldershot Urban Extension (Wellesley).

Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) - sustainability and energy documents
Sustainability and energy strategies for the Aldershot Urban Extension (Wellesley) planning application.

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