We have 39 councillors, who serve the residents of 13 wards in Aldershot and Farnborough. Three councillors represent each ward.
Find out who the Mayor is, what they do, how to invite the Mayor to your event, and about the coat of arms.
Find out the current number of councillors from different political parties in Rushmoor.
Councillors must observe our code of conduct.
Details of our councillors' allowance scheme and how much councillors can claim.
All councillors must declare any gift or hospitality that they accept over the value of £50.
Find out who can become a councillor and how to stand for election.
If you have a question or comment about one of our services, we'd like to hear from you. Please visit our getting in touch page to give us your feedback or ask a question.
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Read about the information you send to us and what we will use it for (opens in a new tab).