Information for businesses on apprenticeships.

Hiring apprentices helps businesses to grow their own talent by developing a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce.

An apprenticeship is a way for young people and adult learners to earn while they learn in a real job, gaining a real qualification and a real future.

If you are thinking of taking on an apprenticeship the following organisations can help you.

Apprenticeship and Skills Partnership

This partnership offers free and impartial advice to organisations of any size, about apprenticeship and skills training.

They can help with finding a suitable training provider for an apprentice or in choosing a relevant apprenticeship or skills programme. They also offer guidance on funding apprenticeship training, levy transfers and sourcing apprentices.

If you would like to find out more visit The Apprenticeship Hub or contact our local Adviser Jack Hodgkins,

National Apprenticeship Service

The government's apprenticeship website has lots of helpful guides and information about how employers can access training and support as well as the latest information on incentive payments.

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