To be able to vote in elections, you need to be registered to vote.

If you are registered to vote, you will be on our electoral register. This is a list of residents in Rushmoor who are eligible to vote in elections.

Everyone who is 16 years or over and eligible to be registered, is required by law to be on the electoral register. You must register even if you don't want to vote.

Other ways to register to vote

Deadline for registering to vote in an election

To be registered to vote in an election, you must register 11 working days before the date of the election.

When credit companies will know you are registered

We usually publish a new electoral register once a year on 1 December following a full canvass of electors.

You can, however, register to vote at any time, updates are usually sent to credit companies on the 1st of every month, the deadlines are below. The only months credit companies do not receive an update is October and November as it is during our yearly canvass of electors.

As long as no-one objects to your name appearing on the electoral register for the address you give, we will add you to it when we update it.

We will let you know when we have added your name to the electoral register and also if anyone has objected to your name being included on it.

Deadline for registering to vote Publication date
11 December 2023 2 January 2024
10 January 2024 1 February 2024
8 February 2024 1 March 2024
11 March 2024 2 April 2024
9 April 2024 1 May 2024
10 May 2024 3 June 2024
7 June 2024 1 July 2024
10 July 2024 1 August 2024
9 August 2024 2 September 2024
9 September 2024 1 October 2024
10 October 2024 1 November 2024

How we use your personal information for elections

You can read about the information you send us and what we use it for in our electoral registration privacy notice.

Contact us

Elections and electoral registration

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