A number of studies have informed the preparation of the Rushmoor Local Plan.

To support the development of the Rushmoor Local Plan, which we adopted in February 2019,  we prepared background studies to cover a range of topic areas relevant to Aldershot and Farnborough.

Evidence on the economy
This evidence includes a review of employment land, the functional economic area and a study of retail, leisure and town centres.

Evidence on the environment
This includes an assessment of landscape and townscape character, a renewable energy and low carbon study and a strategic flood risk assessment.

Evidence on Farnborough airport
This evidence includes the economic impact of business aviation at Farnborough airport as well as the safety implications of operations there.

Evidence on housing need
This evidence includes assessments of the strategic housing market in Rushmoor and of accommodation needs for Gypsies and Travellers.

Evidence on infrastructure and community facilities
This evidence includes studies on infrastructure, transport and assessments of open spaces, sports and recreation facilities in Rushmoor.

Evidence on land availability
This includes a strategic assessment of housing and economic land availability and of brownfield sites in Rushmoor.

Monitoring evidence
This evidence includes airport monitoring, our authority monitoring report and an assessment of the five-year housing land supply in Rushmoor.

Evidence on Thames Basin Heaths
This evidence includes our avoidance and mitigation strategy and a habitats regulations assessment.

Evidence on economic viability
This evidence includes a study to assess the economic viability of potential residential and commercial development in Rushmoor.

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