Our Local Plan policies map shows the areas where the policies in the Rushmoor Local Plan apply.
The Local Plan maps show all the areas in the Rushmoor borough where different Local Plan policies apply. It includes sites allocated for new development, where important environmental designations apply and the boundaries of conservation areas.
Online map
You can view our Local Plan maps online. It shows the information from the Local Plan policies map and additional information such as the locations of nationally and locally listed buildings and areas where Article 4 directions apply.
The interactive map is regularly updated to reflect any changes made since the plan was adopted in 2019, for example changes to conservation area boundaries or updated flood zones.
PDF copies of the policies map
PDF versions of the adopted Policies Map adopted in February 2019 are shown below:
- Rushmoor Local Plan policies map - Aldershot
- Rushmoor Local Plan policies map - Farnborough
- Rushmoor Local Plan policies map - Insets for Aldershot, Farnborough and North Camp
Amendments that have occurred to the above PDF maps since adoption, are shown in schedule of changes below: