This evidence includes a review of employment land, the functional economic area and a study of retail, leisure and town centres.
Employment land review (2016)
The Hart, Rushmoor and Surrey Heath Employment Land Review (ELR) assesses the quantity and quality of employment land across the three council areas that together form a functional economic area (FEA). It refreshes the study published in 2015.
Functional economic area analysis (2014)
The Functional economic area analysis 2014 report examines the different ways in which the functional economic area, of which Rushmoor is part, can be defined. It then presents conclusions and recommendations.
Rushmoor retail, leisure and town centres study (2015)
Together with Hart District Council, we commissioned Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners to produce a retail, leisure and town centres study to inform the Rushmoor Local Plan.
Retail, Leisure and Town Centres Study Part 1 - Development Needs (February 2015) includes a retail capacity assessment.
Retail, Leisure and Town Centres Study Part 2 - Town Centres (June 2015) of the study includes 'health checks' of Farnborough and Aldershot town centres and North Camp district centre.
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