The Rushmoor Local Plan contains planning policies to shape development and land use in Aldershot and Farnborough.

Adoption of the Rushmoor Local Plan

The council adopted the Rushmoor Local Plan on 21 February 2019. 

The plan provides the overarching spatial strategy for Rushmoor, guiding the location, scale and type of future development to 2032, as well as providing detailed development management policies.

Documents that support the Rushmoor Local Plan

Habitats regulations assessment

The Habitats regulations assessment (HRA) considers if the local plan would have significant adverse effects on the integrity of internationally-designated sites of nature conservation importance, or Natura 2000 sites.

Equalities impact assessment

The Equalities impact assessment (EiA) assesses the likely impact of the local plan's policies on the local community with the aim of eliminating discrimination and tackling inequality.

Sustainability appraisal

The Sustainability appraisal (SA) assesses the environmental, economic and social impact of our plan policies within the draft submission version of the Local Plan

Duty to cooperate statement

The Duty to cooperate statement (2018) demonstrates how we have met the legal and soundness requirements of the duty to cooperate in the production of the Rushmoor Local Plan.


Local Plan policies map
Our Local Plan policies map shows the areas where the policies in the Rushmoor Local Plan apply.

Evidence supporting the Rushmoor Local Plan
A number of studies have informed the preparation of the Rushmoor Local Plan.


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