Details about previous local plans and revoked supplementary planning documents (SPDs).
Former local plans
We adopted the Rushmoor Local Plan on 21 February 2019. This provides the overarching spatial strategy for Rushmoor, guiding the location, scale and type of future development up to 2032, as well as providing detailed development management policies.
The Rushmoor Local Plan (2019) replaces the Rushmoor Core Strategy (2011) and saved polices of the Local Plan Review 1996-2011 (2000).
Planning proposals map
You can access the planning proposals map for the superseded Rushmoor Core Strategy and saved policies from the Rushmoor Local Plan Review below:
Proposals Map of Rushmoor Core Strategy and Saved Policies from the Local Plan Review
Former supplementary planning documents (SPDs)
Following the adoption of the Rushmoor Local Plan, our planning policy team is reviewing the adopted supplementary planning documents (SPDs) and published guidance notes.
On 28 May 2019, the Council's Cabinet agreed to revoke the following SPDs, from Monday 10 June 2019:
- Aldershot Urban Extension SPD
- Housing Density and Design SPD
- Sustainable Design and Construction SPD
- Telecommunications SPD
Please see the Statement to Confirm Revocation of Supplementary Planning Documents (June 2019) for more information.
In addition, the Buildings of Local Importance SPD was superseded by the Locally Listed Heritage Assets SPD in December 2020.
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