Local planning policy is subject to national, regional and county policies. Find out more.

National planning policy

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)  sets out the government's planning policies for England and how they should be applied to plan-making and planning decisions. 

The Planning policy for traveller sites sets out the government's planning policy and aims for traveller sites and should be read alongside the National Planning Policy Framework.

The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) provides further guidance on the content of the National Planning Policy Framework and is updated relatively frequently.

Regional planning policy

The South East Plan was adopted in May 2009. However, in March 2013, most of the South East Plan (except for Policy NRM6: Thames Basin Heath SPA) was revoked. As a result, the South East Plan now consists solely of Policy NRM6 Thames Basin Heath SPA which relates to the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. This remains a material consideration as part of the development plan in Rushmoor.

County planning policy (minerals and waste)

The Hampshire County Council - Minerals and Waste Plan  is the main document for the management of minerals and waste in Hampshire. It sets out the long term spatial vision and strategy for sustainable minerals and waste development in Hampshire up to 2030.

Hampshire County Council decides planning applications for mineral and waste management developments and monitor sites to make sure they are complying with approved plans.

For more information, see the Strategic planning page on the Hampshire County Council website.

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