Advice on how to apply for planning permission and what you need to provide.
Pre-application advice
Before you apply for planning permission, you may find it helpful to discuss your proposals with us first by using our pre-application advice service. There is a charge for this service but it can help you get your application right, which could save you time and money.
You can contact our planning team for advice using the contact details below.
How pre-application advice can help
If you send us your proposals and plans before you prepare a formal application, we can advise you informally about whether your application is likely to be successful, or not, Although the approval of planning is not guaranteed due to public and statutory consultations we can try to resolve any obvious problems.
We can also tell you what information you need to provide and how soon we are likely to make a decision once you've applied.
By doing this, you could avoid having your application refused or having to make costly amendments.
Once you have submitted an application, there is only limited time for making amendments and we will not normally agree further changes, especially where we would need to carry out more consultation.
For large or complex development proposals, it is good practice to include substantial pre-application discussions and consultations before you submit an application. This is likely to include consultation with residents and organisations, including both statutory and non-statutory bodies. In most cases, we will want to agree a timetable for submitting and deciding on the application.
Please send your pre-application enquiry to
Applying for planning permission
The best way to apply for planning permission is online. You can do this through the national Planning Portal or send all your documents to and pay your fee online.
Ordnance Survey maps - important information
When submitting a planning application, you will need to submit site location plan and possibly a block plan. Most maps use Ordnance Survey data, which is protected by Crown Copyright. If you are submitting maps with Ordnance Survey data as part of your planning application, you must show the Ordnance Survey licence number on the plans.
If you do not show the Ordnance Survey licence number on the plans, or we believe that the data does not have the correct licence, your application will not be valid. It is an offence to use Ordnance Survey data without the appropriate licence. We will notify you if your application is invalid for this reason.
You can buy map extracts from any Ordnance Survey supplier online or via the planning portal if submitting a planning application electronically.
You will find more information about Crown copyright from Ordnance Survey on the Ordnance Survey website.
Building regulations
Building regulations cover the control of building works for fire resistance, structural stability, ventilation, thermal insulation and drainage, rather than the site, design and external appearance of the building. For more information, see our building regulations page.
Building regulations approval
In many cases, you will also need building regulations approval for work carried out. For more details, see our building regulations page or contact our Building Control team using the contact details below.
We deal with applications for building regulations approval separately to planning applications, so you will need to submit additional forms and plans.
It is possible that we could refuse planning permission and give building regulations approval for a specific proposal (and vice versa). It is up to you to make sure that you have all the necessary consent before starting work.
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