Details about operating hours at Farnborough Airport and how to complain.

Making a complaint

If you have a complaint about the activities, noise or pollution at the airport, you should contact the airport direct.

You can do this by writing to:
Sustainability Manager
Farnborough Airport Ltd
Farnborough Airport
GU14 6XA

You can also call 01252 526001 or email

Operating hours

The operating hours for flights at Farnborough are:

  • Between 7am and 10pm on weekdays
  • Between 8am and 8pm at weekends and on Bank Holidays

This is except for in an emergency.

No flying is allowed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

The hours are set out in Condition 8 of the current planning permission.

Monitoring the airport

The Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee monitors Farnborough Airport and any complaints received.

The committee is made up of councillors from Rushmoor and neighbouring district and county councils, local residents' groups and the airport operator and users. It meets three times a year.

Farnborough Airport complaints

A summary of historic complaints received by Farnborough Airport is available in the performance monitoring reports on our airport monitoring page.


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