We have a set of tenancy rules for registered providers, who manage more than 6,000 affordable homes in Aldershot and Farnborough.
We want to create successful and sustainable communities where people want to live. Our Rushmoor Tenancy Strategy (2019) sets out our expectations of registered providers in Rushmoor.
We support affordable housing tenancies that provide:
- Clear information about their tenancy type, the processes around review and renewal of their tenancy and their right to appeal
- A minimum term of six years (five years with an additional year as a starter tenancy)
- Presumption always in favour of renewal of tenancies to provide stability for people and communities
- Protection for vulnerable people with lifetime tenancies
- The development of working protocols with the council's Housing Options team especially where tenancies are being ended
Please read the Rushmoor Tenancy Strategy (2019) for full details.
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