The results from public consultations over the past couple of years and how we used your feedback to shape the service we provide.

We consult on a wide range of subjects and issues, from specific topics, about changes to one of our services, to more general consultation on the local area.

How safe do you feel living in Aldershot and Farnborough - February 2024

We carried out our community safety survey to find out how safe you feel in Aldershot and Farnborough and if there are areas where you feel less safe. 

The survey was also an opportunity for you to share any issues you are currently facing. We will carry out the survey again next year to spot any trends. 

We will use the survey results  to inform the partnership strategic assessment, an annual document analysing local crime and antisocial behaviour data, which helps to set priorities for the next year. You can find out more about our strategic assessment on our community safety partnership page.

Council tax support scheme for 2024/25 – October to December 2023

Each year we review our council tax support scheme. The scheme has remained the same for the past few years. In 2023 the council tax support scheme group had been monitoring the effects of welfare reform changes, what happened to people’s employment due to Covid-19 and more recently the consequences of the cost-of-living crisis on people who receive council tax support.  

The council tax support scheme group decided to recommend changes to the scheme for 2024/25. This survey consulted on two options: 

  • Option 1 – Increase the amount of help we can give to our most vulnerable residents from 88% to 100%. This would mean people of working age on the lowest incomes would not pay council tax. 
  • Option 2 – Keep the council tax support scheme as it is. This would mean the most help we could give to people of working age on low incomes would be 88%. Therefore, everyone of working age would pay at least 12% of their council tax 

Our Cabinet on 6 February will consider the survey report and the proposal. 

Polling districts and polling places review 2023 - October to November 2023

Every five years, councils are required to carry out a polling places review. As part of this review, we asked residents and community groups to consider how the current arrangements for polling places used for elections are working in their area and if there are any changes or improvements that could be made.

The results from the survey informed the Polling Districts and Polling Places review, which will be considered at our Corporate Governance and Audit Committee on 31 January.

Tennis courts in Rushmoor's parks – August to September 2023

We asked for your views about the tennis courts we have in our parks. As part of this consultation, we asked you about the opportunity we have to apply for funding for the refurbishment of the courts to a high standard from the Government’s Department for Digital, Community, Media and Sport and the Lawn Tennis Association.

If funding for the tennis courts was successful, there would need to be a charge for usage and a booking system, this would help with the future upkeep of the tennis courts.

Our Cabinet on 17 October considered the survey report and the proposal. As a result, it was decided to go ahead with the application for funding to refurbish the courts.

Tell us what you think about the services we provide (2023 residents’ survey) - June to August 2023

We held a residents’ survey to help us understand what you think about the services we provide and what is important to you.   

We will use the results in our 2023 residents' survey report to understand your priorities and help to improve our services.

Aldershot and Farnborough markets consultation - June 2023

We have plans to develop our markets offer, and we wanted to know what you thought about the current weekly Aldershot market, the weekly Farnborough market, Farnborough car boot sale and Farnborough monthly craft fayre, and what you thought of possible future developments.

The Aldershot and Farnborough markets consultation report will be used by us to develop Aldershot and Farnborough markets.

Cove Green Recreation Ground playground - May 2023 to June 2023

We have plans to replace the Cove Green Recreation Ground playground with a new updated facility, and invited the views of people who use the playground and nearby residents.  

The Cove Green Recreation Ground playground survey report will help us to decide on the design of the new playground.

We are aiming to install the new playground by March 2024. 

How safe do you feel living in Aldershot and Farnborough - February 2023

We carried out our community safety survey to find out how safe you feel in Aldershot and Farnborough and if there are areas where you feel less safe. 

The survey was also an opportunity for you to share any issues you are currently facing. The survey will be carried out again next year to spot any trends. 

We have used the community safety survey results to inform the partnership strategic assessment, an annual document analysing local crime and antisocial behaviour data, which helps to set priorities for the next year

For more information, please visit our community safety pages.

Redan Hill Gardens play area – December 2022 to February 2023

We have plans to replace the Redan Hill Gardens playground, with a new updated facility, and invited the views of people who use the playground and nearby residents.  

The Redan Hill Gardens survey report  will help us to decide on the design of the new playground.

We are aiming to install the new playground by March 2024. 

Living in Rushmoor – Tell us what you think (2022 residents’ survey) – June to August 2022

Our residents’ survey helps us understand what you think of living in Aldershot and Farnborough.  

It included questions on: 

  • What is important to making somewhere good to live 
  • What needs improving locally 
  • If you have a sense of belonging to the local area 
  • What makes you proud to live in Aldershot or Farnborough 
  • If you attend local events and activities 
  • Extra questions on your wellbeing 

The 2022 residents' survey report will be used by us to understand your community priorities and to deliver on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Housing and homelessness strategy - May to June 2022

We held a consultation to help us produce the Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy for 2023 to 2027.  

The updated strategy will help us decide what types of homes will be built in Aldershot and Farnborough and who they are for. It will also set out how we will work with residents and partner organisations to prevent people from becoming homeless and to provide the right help to people when they need it.  

For more information, please read our housing and homelessness survey report.

You can also visit our Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy page.

Draft Green Infrastructure Strategy – February to March 2022

We consulted on green infrastructure to understand more about what you think about parks, playing fields, woodlands and allotments in Aldershot and Farnborough. 

The green infrastructure survey report was used to help us develop the Green Infrastructure Strategy, which identifies the valuable green infrastructure in and around Aldershot and Farnborough, and seeks to protect, use and sustain the benefits it provides, and to look for opportunities to improve what we have. 


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