If you are in our housing allocation pool, you can use Rushmoor Home Finder to help find a housing association home.

Our housing allocation pool

We don't have a housing register or a housing register application form. Instead, we have a housing allocation pool. This is made up of people, eligible for help, that we prioritise by their housing need.

There is no application form to join the allocation pool. Instead we prefer to talk to you about your realistic housing options and not place you on a long waiting list which is unlikely to solve your current housing difficulty. You can find out more on our how we allocate housing in Rushmoor page.

If you think you have an urgent housing need, please contact our Housing Options Team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

If we accept you into the housing allocation pool

We will give you a unique reference number to apply for a housing association home through Rushmoor Home Finder. We run the Home Finder scheme with local housing associations and neighbouring councils.

If we don't accept you into the housing allocation pool

We will continue to offer advice and support about alternative housing options, such as renting privately, deposit schemes and shared ownership.

How to find a home using Home Finder

If you are in the housing allocation pool, we won't match you to a home. Instead, you must look for a place to live.

Every week we advertise vacant homes at the following places:

We make information available weekly from Wednesday at midnight and bidding closes on Sunday at midnight.

If you find a suitable property advertised

  • You can bid for it on the Rushmoor Home Finder website
  • You can telephone 01252 398227 and follow the instructions for bidding
  • You can text 07781 486687

You will need to give your housing reference number, your date of birth and the property reference number.

You can bid for up to three properties within each bidding period (midnight Wednesday to midnight Sunday).

You can also withdraw a bid or move a bid to another property during the bidding period.

Please make sure you apply for a property before the closing date, as we will not be able to consider any request received after that date.

What happens next

The housing associations will invite the top three bidders with the highest points to view the property.

If you bid for a home advertised in Hart, Waverley or Guildford, you will need to have an identified housing need to be successful. This includes:

  • Being homeless
  • Living in unsanitary, overcrowded or unsatisfactory conditions
  • Having welfare or medical needs
  • Needing to escape domestic violence, hate crime or racial harassment
  • Needing to live near a specialist medical facility or a carer

The housing association will write to successful applicants and we will advertise the results in the same places as we have advertised the vacant properties.

The results will show the band the highest bidder had, but we will not disclose personal details.

If, during a 12-month period, you are successful three times, but refuse the properties offered, you will not be able to select again for 12 months.

If we accept you as homeless

If we accept you as homeless, but after three months, you have not selected a property, or you have made successful selections but have refused the properties, we reserve the right to select one on your behalf.

Contact us

Housing options

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