Find out about your rights under the Freedom of Information Act.

Information we hold

Under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we have to make information available as part of our normal business activities.

View the information we hold that is available for you to see.

Have a look this information before you make a formal request for information, you may well find your answer.

Information requests

If you can't find the information you require, read about how to make an information request and we will do what we can to help you.

If the information that you are looking for relates to the environment, it is handled under the Environmental Information Regulations rather than the Freedom of Information Act.  Further information can be found on the Information Commissioner's website.

There are some differences in the way we handle disclosure of information under these two pieces of legislation. We will handle your request under the appropriate legislation regardless of the label you give to it.

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Freedom of information

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