Find out how we recruit new staff, the benefits we offer and how the council is structured.
Recruitment and selection process
We use a mixture of interviews, tests and work-related tasks to help us select the right candidate.
For further information, visit our recruitment process page.
Benefits for our staff
We offer our staff a range of benefits, which include training and development opportunities, flexible working and a pension scheme.
For further information, visit our benefits for our staff page.
Our values and behaviours set out what our organisation stands for and what is important to us collectively. Through embedding them into everything we do, we will work together to achieve success.
Organisational structure
The council is made up of three directorates, with departments that sit underneath them. We call our departments 'services'.
For further information visit our organisational structure page.
For further information about the council and our plans for the future, visit our priorities page and our Council Plan page.
Protecting your personal information
We will look after any personal information you give us as part of our employment process. For more information, please see our People privacy notice.
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