Suggest potential development sites for our Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and Brownfield Land Register.
To support the Rushmoor Local Plan, we carried out a 'call for sites' exercise and asked you to suggest sites that you think we should consider allocating for development.
The formal call for sites consultation has closed, but we still encourage you to suggest potential development sites for us to consider.
Your suggestions help us update our Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment, which is a technical study that identifies sites with housing and employment potential.
Your suggestions also help us update our Brownfield land register, which is a list of brownfield sites (previously developed land) in Rushmoor which are considered to be available, achievable and suitable for housing-led development, as defined by government regulations.
We update our Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and brownfield land register annually.
How to submit a suggestion for a site with development potential
New and/or amended sites
If you want to suggest a new site or amend the details of a previously submitted site for the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and/or brownfield land register, please use the button below. You only need to complete the sections that are relevant to the site that you suggest.
You will need to submit the completed form and a site plan (1:2500 or 1:1250 in scale), with the boundaries of the site clearly outlined.
If you prefer, you can download our Suggest a site with development potential - form A, fill it in and send it back to us with the site plan.
Withdrawing a site
If you want to withdraw a previously submitted site from consideration, please complete the form below:
If you prefer, you can download our Withdraw a previously submitted site - form B, fill it in and send it back to us.
Important information about submitting a site suggestion
If you submit a site suggestion, it is not guaranteed that we will allocate it for the suggested use. There is no guarantee that we will enter suggested sites into the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment or the brownfield land register. If the site is included in the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and/or the brownfield land register, it does not guarantee that we will grant it planning permission.
If you have any queries, please contact us using the contact details below.
Contact us