Information about memorials in our cemeteries.

If you would like to put a memorial in one of our cemeteries, please speak to our bereavement services team, using the contact details below.

We have a set of guidelines that the memorial needs to meet and you can find more details on this in our cemetery guidelines.

For details of what we charge for putting a monument or kerbstone on a grave, please see our cemetery fees page.

Maintaining memorials

Once you put a memorial in the cemetery, we are not responsible for its upkeep. We suggest that you think about insuring your memorial against accidental damage, vandalism and theft just in case.

If you would like more information before making a decision about memorial insurance, please get in touch using the contact details below.

Checking memorial safety

We have a responsibility to make sure all the memorials in our cemeteries are safe, so we have an ongoing programme of safety checks and maintenance work.

A qualified memorial mason, accredited by the National Association of Memorial Masons, checks the safety of the headstones, testing movement, looking for cracks and checking stones, which may be loose or leaning over.

If we find that a memorial needs some attention to make it safe, we will do our best to get in touch with the owner so that they can arrange for a stonemason to carry out the necessary work.

If you would like any further information about this work, please get in touch using the contact details below.

Keeping your details up-to-date

If you are responsible for a plot in one of our cemeteries, please try to keep us up-to-date with your contact details.

If you would like to update your personal information, please contact us using the contact details below.

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