Guidance and how to submit your application for the Farnborough airport community environmental fund grant.
How to apply for a grant
- Check that your project meets the criteria of this fund
- Gather together all the supporting documents required including quotes (see below)
- Download and complete the Farnborough airport community environmental fund grant application form (Word). You can then send it to us at using the instructions on the form with the supporting documents listed below.
We are happy to receive other supporting documents and photos to back your application.
If you would like to discuss an application before submitting to the fund, please contact us using the details below.
Applications are considered monthly until the funding runs out.
Who can apply for funding
Charitable organisations and voluntary or community groups can apply for a grant from this fund to support an environmental project, as long as it meets all the conditions below.
Your group or organisation must be a properly constituted not-for-profit body or organisation and it must have a bank account. You will need to provide your constitution and a set of accounts with your application.
In exceptional circumstances, we may support other organisations where a project will improve the environment and you can demonstrate it is a not-for-profit activity. To check if your organisation could qualify, please contact us using the contact details on this page. You should include details of your project and why you need funding.
Information to be provided with your application
- A copy of your organisation's constitution (schools should provide their instrument of governance)
- A copy of the organisation's latest audited/independently checked accounts or, if you are a new group, a projected budget for the first year together with a bank statement (schools should provide their main budget detailed report)
- Written quotes for the items/services to be purchased
Funding conditions (updated June 2022)
To apply for a grant, your project must:
- Be located within 5 kilometres (3 miles) of the centre of Farnborough airport (taken to be halfway down the main runway) - check on the Farnborough airport 5km area map (this includes areas in Rushmoor, Hart, Surrey Heath and Waverley)
- Be demonstrably and regularly affected by aircraft travelling to and from Farnborough airport
- Have public access to be available to be enjoyed by the community as a whole and result in the improvement of an outdoor facility or area, such as in country parks, woodland and community gardens
- Include an environmental improvement, such as a reduction of the environmental impact of the local area, this could be by planting, reducing carbon, demonstrating climate change action
- Have an appropriate safeguarding policy if your organisation works with children, young people or vulnerable adults
Projects may include open spaces, natural habitats, environmental improvements, outdoor play and community projects with an emphasis on improving the local environment.
Your project must not be retrospective. Organisations should not commit themselves to a project or any spending before any final decision is made.
How we assess applications
We consider the following when we make a decision:
- If the project meets the criteria for the fund
- The location and nature of the project
- The contribution to the local community
- The need for financial help, including your organisation's balances
- The purpose of the organisation and the help requested
- Sustainability
- Previous help we've provided
- The period of the grant
- Accessibility, especially for people with disabilities
- The contribution to the objectives of our partners, such as health
- Any funding from other organisations
- What you will use the money for
- Any direct links with the council
We will base our decision on the application form and the supporting information you provide. You will need to address all sections of the application form in full, as they form the key criteria for consideration.
What happens once you've applied
We will contact you to let you know we've received your application and when you might expect to hear from us with a decision.
We will check your application form along with the enclosed documents to see if it is complete.
If it is not complete, we will ask you for the missing information. We may also contact you for additional information.
If you do not complete the form fully or you fail to provide additional information, we will not consider your application for a grant.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Residents will make their decision having looked at all the information provided on the application form and supporting documents.
We consider applications on their merits and the amount of available funding. We try to support as many appropriate schemes as we can.
If your application is successful
You will need to return a signed acceptance form and supporting documents before we issue your grant.
We pay grants in arrears by BACS to the named organisation on completion of the project. You will need to provide evidence of your spend, such as invoices or receipts.
In exceptional circumstances and at our discretion, we may pay the funding before you incur costs. It will be up to you to ask us to consider this before you sign the acceptance form.
You will need to start work on the project within six months of the award and complete it within your proposed timescale, unless we have agreed in writing special arrangements.
You must only use your grant for the purpose you applied for. We will only release funding for the agreed elements shown on the acceptance form.
Within three months of payment of the grant, you will have to give us a short report. To help with this, we will provide you with a feedback form template.
Details of successful grants will be recorded and published on the council website.
Help for your project
If your project involves young people aged between one and 25 years, Community Matters Partnership (CMPP) may be able to provide volunteers to help carry out your project. CMPP's Community Action Days are aimed at supporting local schools, youth groups, charities, colleges and not-for-profit organisations that work with young people in and around Rushmoor.
For more information or for an informal chat, please email or register your interest on the CMPP Community Action Day website.
Another source of funding
Rushmoor Community Lottery is an alternative way of regular fundraising. For more information visit our Rushmoor Community Lottery page.
Contact us