If you feel antisocial behaviour is a problem in your neighbourhood, you can report it to us.
Antisocial behaviour is defined as:
- Any act that causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people not of the same household
Examples of this type of behaviour could include:
- Rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour
- Threatening behaviour or intimidation
- Neighbour nuisance, excluding civil matters
- Littering or drug paraphernalia
- Street drinking and other drug use
- Aggressive begging
- Vehicle nuisance or inappropriate use of vehicles
- Vandalism and criminal damage
We do not regard the following types of behaviour as antisocial behaviour and therefore will not investigate complaints as such:
- People using public facilities during reasonable daytime and evening hours (for example playing in a play park, using a skate ramp or use of a sports pitch) where they are not making excessive noise, obstructing access to public space or causing damage
- Neighbour disputes involving land boundaries or location of waste bins or other civil matters
- Reasonable noise from vehicles on the highway carrying out normal activities
- Reports of inconveniently or illegally parked vehicles on the public highway
- Homeless individuals whereby there are no associated negative behaviours, for example, street begging, street drinking, harassment
If any of the above falls under the remit of another council department or agency, the community safety team will pass the complaint to the other relevant department or seek permission to share the information with an outside agency if applicable.
How to report antisocial behaviour
You can fill in our report antisocial behaviour form below and we will come back to you with how best we can help resolve the issue.
Diary sheets
If you are being affected by antisocial behaviour, keep a diary of what is happening. Recording incidents can help to show patterns of behaviour. Make sure you record:
- The day and time the behaviour took place
- Where it happened
- A description of the behaviour
You can download an antisocial behaviour diary sheet template to help you.
The more evidence we have in your diary, the more chance something can be done.
Further information on reporting antisocial behaviour
You can get in touch with our community safety team using the details below. You will also find helpful information on the Safer North Hampshire website.
For police information on antisocial behaviour, visit the Hampshire Constabulary website. You can also report antisocial behaviour by calling 101.
If the problem relates to a business or activity we license, please see our licensing section for details of how to report it.
Antisocial behaviour case review
You can ask our community safety team and other relevant partners to review their response to complaints of antisocial behaviour. This is called an antisocial behaviour case review.
You can read more about this on our antisocial behaviour case review page.
How we tackle antisocial behaviour
You can find out more about how we deal with antisocial behaviour by reading our Antisocial Behaviour Policy. Our policy defines what we mean by 'antisocial behaviour', outlines the principles we apply to responding to antisocial behaviour and also explains the tools and powers we have available.
Contact us