We have several responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Find out more about the work we do.

Supporting local businesses

We help more than 1400 local businesses across Aldershot and Farnborough to maintain a safe business by carrying out regular inspections and by offering guidance, advice and practical help to prevent risks to health and safety. For more information, visit our health and safety advice for businesses pages.

We register hairdressers and barbers, acupuncture, tattooing, ear piercing and electrolysis businesses. Visit our licensing and registration pages to find out more.

We are notified of all new cooling towers and condensers so that we can protect people from the risk of infection from Legionella bacteria. For further information visit our cooling towers and condensers page.

Investigating complaints and accidents

We investigate complaints about unsafe premises and poor working conditions. To find out more, visit our  complaints about workplace health and safety page.

We investigate accidents and incidents in the workplace, offering guidance, advice and practical help on how to reduce injury and ill health in your workplace.

Taking enforcement action

Where conditions are poor or there is blatant disregard for the law, our officers can use their enforcement powers to require improvements, including the service of notices and prosecution where appropriate. For more information visit our enforcing health and safety page.

We take part in national campaigns that promote health and safety in Rushmoor.

To get in touch with our health and safety team or if you would like a copy of our food and health and safety annual plan, please contact us using the contact details below.

Contact us

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