Information about air quality in Aldershot and Farnborough.

We have to review and assess air quality regularly in Aldershot and Farnborough and decide if national air quality objectives are likely to be met.

The main pollutant of concern in Rushmoor is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), the main source of which is from road traffic.

We monitor NO2 at a number of locations across the borough and carry out regular reviews of local air quality to identify any areas where the air quality objectives may be exceeded.

In collaboration with Guildford Borough Council, Surrey Heath Borough Council, Hampshire County Council and Surrey County Council, we are also working to improve air quality on the A331. You can find more details about this project on the Blackwater Valley Group air quality website

We produce annual air quality reports that detail the results of monitoring undertaken across the borough. These demonstrate that air quality in Rushmoor is good and meets the National Air Quality Standard for NO2.

You can find air quality forecasting information for the UK on the UK-AIR website.

Air quality reports

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