Planning application type |
Mandatory documents |
Conditional documents |
Approval of details pursuant to the requirements of conditions
- Plans, reports and details relevant to the conditions
- Additional plans
- Planning statement
Approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Other plans
- Design and access statement
- Additional plans
- Heritage statement
- Other plans
- Planning statement
- Tree survey/arboricultural implications
Conservation area consent for demolition
No fee is needed for this application
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Site and other plans
- Heritage statement
- Design and access statement
- Additional plans
- Other plans
- Structural survey
Display of advertisements |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan showing where the advertisements will be located, 1:500
- Elevations
- Additional plans
- Planning statement
Extending the time limits of existing planning permissions |
- Plans of the original planning permission
- Biodiversity survey and report
Full planning permission |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Design and access statement
- Site survey (for all new builds only)
- Additional plans
- Other plans
- Planning statement
- Structural survey
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
- Noise impact assessment
- Ventilation/extraction statement
- Environmental impact statement
- Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Statement of community involvement
- Telecoms development - supplementary information
- Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure
- Transport assessment
- Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available)
- Skills and employment plan*
- Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Full planning permission and consent to display advertisement |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Design and access statement
- Additional plans
- Lighting assessment
- Other plans
- Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
- Noise impact assessment
- Ventilation/extraction statement
- Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Statement of community involvement
- Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure
- Transport assessment
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
- Skills and employment plan*
Full planning permission and conservation area consent |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Site and other plans
- Heritage statement
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Additional/other plans
- Planning statement
- Structural survey
- Block plan of the site, showing proposed footprint 1:500
- Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
- Skills and employment plan*
- Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Full planning permission and listed building consent |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Heritage statement
- Design and access statement
- Planning statement
- Site survey (For all new build applications)
- Additional plans
- Lighting assessment
- Other plans
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
- Noise impact assessment
- Ventilation/extraction statement
- Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Statement of community involvement
- Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure
- Transport assessment
- Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
- Skills and employment plan*
- Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Hedgerow removal notice
No fee is needed for this application
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan showing the hedgerow to be removed
- Evidence of date of planting
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Landscaping details
- Arboricultural implications
Householder planning permission |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Planning statement
- Additional plans
- Other types of plans
- Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
- Flood risk assessment
Householder planning permission and conservation area consent |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Design and access statement
- Heritage statement
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Additional plans
- Other plans
- Tree survey /Arboricultural implications
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Planning statement
Householder planning permission and listed building consent |
- Site Location Plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block Plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Design and access statement
- Heritage statement
- Additional plans
- Other plans
- Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Structural survey
Certificate of Lawful Proposed Development or Use ('CLOPUD') |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Other plans
- Evidence to verify application
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Other plans
- Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development = including those in breach of a planning condition ('CLEUD') |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Other plans
- Evidence to verify application
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Lawful development certificate
- Supporting information
Listed building consent
No fee is needed for this application
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Site and other plans
- Heritage statement
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Additional/other plans
- Planning statement
- Structural survey
- Block plan of the site
Non-material amendment to an approved scheme following the grant of planning permission |
- Approved plans of original application to which the amendment is sought
Outline planning permission with all matters reserved |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Additional plans
- Other plans
- Environmental impact statement
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Statement of community involvement
- Telecoms development - supplementary information
- Air quality assessment
- Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
- Skills and Employment Plan*
- Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Outline planning permission with some matters reserved |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Elevations
- Floor plans
- Design and access statement
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Additional plans
- Other plans
- Planning statement
- Design and access statement
- Biodiversity survey and report
- Noise impact assessment
- Environmental impact statement
- Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
- Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
- Statement of community involvement
- Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure.
- Telecoms development - supplementary information
- Transport assessment
- Air quality assessment
- Affordable housing statement
- Lighting assessment
- Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
- Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Prior notification of proposed demolition |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- Elevations
- Other plans
- Planning statement
- Biodiversity survey and report
Prior notification of proposed exercise of permitted development rights by telecommunications code systems operators |
- Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
- Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
- CAA notice (3km or less from aerodrome)
- General permitted development notice
- Planning statement
- Other plans
- Acoustic report
- Any other relevant additional information
- Supplementary information template
Removal/variation of a condition |
- Plans, reports and details relevant to the conditions
- Design and access statement
- Block plan of the site
- Other plans
- Planning statement
Works to trees
No fee is needed for this application
- Block plan showing the trees
- Landscaping details
- Arboricultural implications
- Biodiversity survey and report