If you are sending your planning application by post, you must check our 'Local requirements list' to see what documents you need to include.

Important information before you begin

Ordnance survey data

If you are submitting maps with Ordnance Survey data as part of your planning application, you must show the Ordnance Survey licence number on the plans.

Find out more about using Ordnance Survey maps for your application.

Biodiversity net gain requirement 

When you submit a planning application, there are minimum national information requirements related to biodiversity net gain.

If you do not provide this information, we must refuse to validate your application.

While we are updating our local validation list, in the interest of avoiding delays to the validation of applications, you must complete a Biodiversity Net Gain Statement Form (Word) and submit this with your proposals. This document will demonstrate how you have considered the mandatory biodiversity net gain requirement and have met validation requirements, as set out in our Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

Skills and employment plans

If you would like information on preparing a skills and employment plan, please contact the Economic Development (skills) team using the contact details on this page.

Local requirements list

Use the table below to find out what documents you need to send with your planning application.

This list was published on 8 November 2021.

Planning application type Mandatory

Approval of details pursuant to the requirements of conditions

  • Plans, reports and details relevant to the conditions
  • Additional plans
  • Planning statement
Approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Other plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Additional plans
  • Heritage statement
  • Other plans
  • Planning statement
  • Tree survey/arboricultural implications

Conservation area consent for demolition

No fee is needed for this application

  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Site and other plans
  • Heritage statement
  • Design and access statement
  • Additional plans
  • Other plans
  • Structural survey
Display of advertisements
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan showing where the advertisements will be located, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Additional plans
  • Planning statement
Extending the time limits of existing planning permissions
  • Not applicable
  • Plans of the original planning permission
  • Biodiversity survey and report
Full planning permission
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Site survey (for all new builds only)
  • Additional plans
  • Other plans
  • Planning statement
  • Structural survey
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
  • Noise impact assessment
  • Ventilation/extraction statement
  • Environmental impact statement
  • Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Statement of community involvement
  • Telecoms development - supplementary information
  • Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure
  • Transport assessment
  • Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available)
  • Skills and employment plan*
  • Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Full planning permission and consent to display advertisement
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Additional plans
  • Lighting assessment
  • Other plans
  • Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
  • Noise impact assessment
  • Ventilation/extraction statement
  • Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Statement of community involvement
  • Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure
  • Transport assessment
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
  • Skills and employment plan*
Full planning permission and conservation area consent
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Site and other plans
  • Heritage statement
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Additional/other plans
  • Planning statement
  • Structural survey
  • Block plan of the site, showing proposed footprint 1:500
  • Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
  • Skills and employment plan*
  • Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Full planning permission and listed building consent
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Heritage statement
  • Design and access statement
  • Planning statement
  • Site survey (For all new build applications)
  • Additional plans
  • Lighting assessment
  • Other plans
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
  • Noise impact assessment
  • Ventilation/extraction statement
  • Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Statement of community involvement
  • Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure
  • Transport assessment
  • Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
  • Skills and employment plan*
  • Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017

Hedgerow removal notice

No fee is needed for this application

  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan showing the hedgerow to be removed
  • Evidence of date of planting
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Landscaping details
  • Arboricultural implications
Householder planning permission
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Planning statement
  • Additional plans
  • Other types of plans
  • Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
  • Flood risk assessment
Householder planning permission and conservation area consent
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Additional plans
  • Other plans
  • Tree survey /Arboricultural implications
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Planning statement
Householder planning permission and listed building consent
  • Site Location Plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block Plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Additional plans
  • Other plans
  • Tree survey / Arboricultural implications
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Structural survey
Certificate of Lawful Proposed Development or Use ('CLOPUD')
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Other plans
  • Evidence to verify application
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Other plans
  • Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development =  including those in breach of a planning condition ('CLEUD')
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Other plans
  • Evidence to verify application
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Lawful development certificate
  • Supporting information

Listed building consent

No fee is needed for this application

  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Site and other plans
  • Heritage statement
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Additional/other plans
  • Planning statement
  • Structural survey
  • Block plan of the site
Non-material amendment  to an approved scheme following the grant of planning permission
  • Approved plans of original application to which the amendment is sought
  • Not applicable
Outline planning permission with all matters reserved
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Additional plans
  • Other plans
  • Environmental impact statement
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Statement of community involvement
  • Telecoms development - supplementary information
  • Air quality assessment
  • Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
  • Skills and Employment Plan*
  • Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Outline planning permission with some matters reserved
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Elevations
  • Floor plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Additional plans
  • Other plans
  • Planning statement
  • Design and access statement
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Noise impact assessment
  • Environmental impact statement
  • Town centre uses - evidence to accompany Lapps
  • Flood risk assessment including details of proposed sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
  • Statement of community involvement
  • Proposals for provision of telecommunications and broadband infrastructure.
  • Telecoms development - supplementary information
  • Transport assessment
  • Air quality assessment
  • Affordable housing statement
  • Lighting assessment
  • Financial viability assessment (this will be made publicly available to view)
  • Sufficient environmental information to enable a full appropriate assessment (applications involving a net gain in residential units) following the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
Prior notification of proposed demolition
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • Elevations
  • Other plans
  • Planning statement
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Structural survey
Prior notification of proposed exercise of permitted development rights by telecommunications code systems operators
  • Site location plan, 1:1250 with the site outlined in red
  • Block plan of the site showing the proposed footprint, 1:500
  • CAA notice (3km or less from aerodrome)
  • General permitted development notice
  • Planning statement
  • Other plans
  • Acoustic report
  • Any other relevant additional information
  • Supplementary information template
Removal/variation of a condition
  • Plans, reports and details relevant to the conditions
  • Design and access statement
  • Block plan of the site
  • Other plans
  • Planning statement

Works to trees

No fee is needed for this application

  • Block plan showing the trees
  • Landscaping details
  • Arboricultural implications
  • Biodiversity survey and report

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