A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that sets out the approach to car and cycle parking in Aldershot and Farnborough.
The Car and Cycle Parking Standards supplementary planning document (SPD) (2024) sets out our approach to car and cycle parking in new development. It replaces the Car and Cycle Parking Standards SPD adopted in 2017.
The purpose of the Car and Cycle Parking Standards SPD is to build upon Rushmoor Local Plan Policy IN2 - Transport. It sets out guidance on appropriate parking provision in terms of amount, design and layout to meet the requirements of the policy.
Documents relating to the adoption of the Car and Cycle Parking Standards SPD
- Car and Cycle Parking Standards (2024) - Consultation Statement
- Car and Cycle Parking Standards (2024) - Adoption Statement
- Car and Cycle Parking Standards (2024) - SEA and HRA Screening Determination
Car and cycle parking standards for schools
Hampshire County Council is the planning authority for most education establishments. It has adopted a set of guidelines called the On-site school parking guidelines (April 2013). These guidelines provide a more up-to-date parking standard for schools and replace this element in our Car and Cycle Parking Standards SPD.
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