To run a hairdressing or barber business in Rushmoor you need to register with us.
You must:
- Register the premises with us
- Comply with the relevant local byelaws for hairdressers and barbers
How to register a hairdressing or barber business
You can apply online using the GOV.UK website.
Or you can download the application form below, complete it and return it to us.
Cost of registration
There are no fees for this registration.
What happens once we receive your application
- We aim to acknowledge your application within three working days
- We aim to decide on your application within 28 days
- If you have not heard from us within 28 days you can act as though your application has been granted (tacit consent)
- We will send you a registration certificate which you must display in a noticeable position in the premises
- You must also display a copy of the appropriate byelaws
If we refuse your application
If we refuse your application, please contact us to see if we can sort out the problem.
Renewing new your registration
You do not need to renew your registration.
Inspections and assessment
We may inspect the premises. This is to make sure you are maintaining standards satisfactorily (including hygiene) and complying with local byelaws.
Customer complaints
If you have a complaint against a business in Rushmoor, we would advise you first to contact the business directly - preferably by letter (with proof of delivery).
If that has not worked and you are in the UK, Citizens Advice will give you advice.
If you are outside the UK, contact the UK European Consumer Centre. If you have concerns about health and safety in a hairdressing or barbering business, please contact us using the contact details on this page.
More information about hairdressing and barbering
Trade associations
Contact us