Support to help you learn new skills and take the first step into work.

Virtual work experience

Companies such as EDF, Amazon, The British Library, and Wagamama all offer virtual work experience programmes through Springpod. Open to anyone age 13+, if you are looking to build your CV or get an insight into different industries.


Amazing Apprenticeships gives advice and guidance on apprenticeships and T levels and is a great place to start.

To search for apprenticeship vacancies locally and nationally visit GOV.UK - find an apprenticeship.

You can also view apprenticeship vacancies locally and nationally, including degree apprenticeships, via UCAS.

Supported Internship Programme

Supported internships are designed for 16 to 24-year-olds with an Educational Health Care Plan who want to work, but as yet, have not had the opportunity. They aim to give you your first experience of working with an employer, equipping you with the skills you need for work, to help you get a permanent paid job. 

Details can be found on the Your Future website. For further information or to request an application form, please contact or call 01962 846193.

Prince's Trust

If you are aged 16 to 30 years old and want to gain experience, skills, training and the confidence to help you into work, the Prince's Trust run a range of programmes that can help you. To find out more visit the Prince's Trust website, or call 0800 842842 to speak to a youth worker. Lines are open 7 days a week, 9am to 9pm.

New Directions

The New Directions project is for women aged 18 to 30 years old, providing 1:1 employability support and advice, self-employment guidance and events to build your confidence and skills. You can also access state-of-the-art Bodyswaps Virtual Reality platform to improve communication skills, learn to work with others and lead.

The project offers support for young women who haven’t found their direction in life yet and are unsure what to do find a job, develop a career and simply succeed in life. They can help you overcome barriers to realise your potential.

The team are here for you, whether you need 3 weeks of support and guidance or 3 months.

Drop in at Aldershot Enterprise Centre, Office 26, every Thursday 10an to 2pm. Coffee, tea, and lunch are provided.

For more information visit the New Directions website.

Screen Skills

Find out more about a career in the TV, film, animation and VFX industries, including free training and e-learning, plus internships and work experience opportunities at ScreenSkills.

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