Local and national organisations offering one-to-one or group support to help you find your next job.

Looking for work can seem daunting, especially if you haven't worked for a while, or have recently been made redundant. 

In Aldershot and Farnborough there is lots of support available, we have listed some below:

New Directions

The New Directions project supports women aged 18 to 30 who haven’t found their direction in life yet and are unsure what to do to find a job, develop a career and simply succeed in life. They offer:

  • One-to-one employability support and advice
  • Self-employment guidance
  • Events to build your confidence and skills
  • Access to a state-of-the-art Bodyswaps Virtual Reality platform,  to improve communication skills, learn to work with others and lead

You can turn up every Thursday 10am to 2pm at Aldershot Enterprise Centre. Coffee, tea, and lunch are provided.

For more information visit the New Directions website, email hello@joinnewdirections.org or call/WhatsApp 07702 953971.

My Space - Digital skills to pay the bills

My Space is delivered by The Vine in Aldershot, and provides support in helping you back to work. The team provide a whole range of services including:

  • Identifying skills
  • Writing CVs
  • Applying for jobs online
  • Practising interview skills

They can help to support you to apply for fast fill jobs and can provide links to online training resources.  

A one-to-one service runs every Monday from 10am to 1pm. For more information call 01252 400196, email myspace@thevinecentre.org.uk or visit the My Space website.

Fedcap - Restart Scheme

The Restart Scheme provides tailored support to help you find work if you have been claiming Universal Credit for 12 to 18 months. You can access:

  • Your own dedicated employment adviser who will stay with you every step of the way
  • Specialist recruitment advice
  • Access to local employment opportunities
  • Ongoing assessments to understand your needs
  • Access to our online career portal, the Fedcap Hub
  • A range of personal support from local and specialist services
  • Financial health support and budgeting
  • Business start up and self-employment advice
  • Skills support and training
  • Improved job searching skills
  • Access to our Wellbeing Support team

If you would like to access this scheme please speak to your Job Centre Plus Work Coach and they will refer you.

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service offers free advice and guidance on careers, skills and the labour market for all adults. To make a free telephone appointment or find out more about what support they offer, call 0800 100 900. Lines are open seven days a week from 8am to 10pm. You can also visit the National Careers Service website.

Neurodiversity Job Club

This job club is run by Equal Potential in partnership with Farnborough Job Centre Plus to support anyone who meets the referral criteria (listed below) and would like help in securing employment.

The job club offers:

  • Weekly drop-in support sessions
  • Workshops to build skills such as CV writing, numeracy, IT skills and more
  • Help in writing CVs, cover letters and job applications
  • Finding a suitable work experience placement to build work history
  • Guest speakers from local employers and careers services
  • Referrals for a free laptop when you have no computer access at home
  • Working with employers to find how they can best support you

Referral Criteria:​

  • Aged 18 or older
  • Diagnosed with (or suspected to have) a neurodivergent condition (such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, or similar)

Find out more and complete a self-referral form on the Neurodiversity Job Club website.

M3 Job Club

The M3 Job Club is a community based charity organisation which supports business professionals in the North Hampshire and surrounding areas back into the workplace, following redundancy or other challenges arising from leaving their place of employment.

There is a 16 week business-focused and coaching-led programme run 3 times a year by professionals, from various small and large businesses, who all donate their time for free. 

Find out more on the M3 Job Club website.

Richmond Fellowship

Richmond Fellowship’s Employment Services focus on getting people into employment at a pace that’s right for you and/or enabling you to retain your current job by facilitating a support package with your employer.

Their services don’t exclude people on the basis of diagnosis or supposed “work readiness”; they support anyone who wants to gain or stay in work. They empower the people they support to find purpose, regain positive attitudes towards life that build on their strengths to improve life skills, independence, autonomy and hope for the future.

Find out more on the Richmond Fellowship website.

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