We look after the trees on public land mostly to make sure they are safe, but also to help keep a green and leafy borough.

We do this by checking the trees regularly and carrying out essential work to remove hazards.

Our aim is to manage the tree population by appropriate and sensitive maintenance so that we create a healthy, pleasant and safe environment now and make sure there is enough canopy cover for the future. In doing so, we want  to lead by example by showing the value we place on trees and on their contribution to Rushmoor's environment.

Our tree risk management plan provides details of our tree surveys and inspections.

We will carry out work

  • To improve sight lines and remove obstructions to footpaths
  • To remove dead, dying or dangerous trees
  • Where branches are close to buildings or hang excessively low over roads, footpaths and parking spaces
  • To prevent damage to property where there is strong evidence the tree or roots are the potential cause

We will not carry out work

  • For light or shade
  • To remove falling leaves, twigs, small diameter branches, flowers, seeds, fruit or honeydew
  • To reduce size
  • Where they affect the transmitted signal reception (for instance television or radio)
  • Where there are problems with allergies
  • To prevent children climbing trees

Please see our tree maintenance policy for further details.

Where to get further help

Trees on council land

To let us know about a problem or concern, please contact our Customer Services team using the contact details below.

Trees on highway land

If a tree stands on highway land, please contact Hampshire County Council, which is the highways authority. This is likely to be a tree growing on a grass verge directly beside either the road or a footpath.

If you think there is as good place to plant a tree on a grass verge near you home, you can request highway tree planting from Hampshire County Council.

Trees on private land

We are not able to carry out tree works, except in exceptional circumstances.

Find out about the different ways that the important trees in Rushmoor are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and conservation areas, please visit our protected trees page.

Hampshire Forest Partnership

We have joined the Hampshire Forest Partnership to help in the joint goal to plant one million trees in Hampshire by 2050.

Everyone can get involved. With your support, we can:

  • Help to safeguard our existing trees
  • Learn about how we can grow our own trees
  • Plant more trees for future generations to enjoy

Please visit the Hampshire Forest Partnership website for more information about the funding support available, current projects and how to get involved.

Contact us

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