How to check your electoral register details and opt out of the open register.

The electoral register (or electoral roll) lists the names and addresses of everyone who's registered to vote in Rushmoor.

To find out how to register to vote, see our register to vote page.

The two registers we keep

We keep two registers, the electoral register and the open register. 

The electoral register

The electoral register is a securely held list of names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote.

The register is used for limited purposes specified in law, such as:

  • Elections
  • Detecting crime (like fraud)
  • Checking credit applications 
  • Calling people for jury service

You can view the electoral register in our offices under supervision.  If you wish to view this version of the register, please contact our elections team using the contact details below, to book an appointment.

The open register

The open register (previously known as the edited register) is a list of names and address which can be sold to anyone on request.

Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed.

Removing your details from the open register does not affect your right to vote. 

You can view the current open register at Aldershot and Farnborough libraries. The register is also available to buy.

Removing a name from the electoral register

If you need to remove a name from the electoral register, please email our elections team using the details below. 

Proof that you are on the electoral register - certificate of residency

A certificate of residency confirms that your name is on the electoral register for the current year. You can only use it as evidence that you are registered to vote at a particular address. It is not a legal document.

You can only ask for a certificate with your own details on it. We will not provide a certificate to someone on behalf of another person. It is an offence to impersonate someone to obtain a certificate of residency.

We will post the certificate to you, we cannot send them by email. You can also collect the certificate at our council offices, you will need to provide photo ID.

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Elections and electoral registration

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