Please follow our steps to make sure your application for the grant is successful.

Steps to apply

  1. Check that your project meets the criteria of this fund
  2. Gather all the supporting documents required including quotes (see below)
  3. Download and complete the Pride in Place Grant application form (Word)
  4. Send your completed form to us at using the instructions on the form. Don't forget to attach your supporting documents

We are happy to receive other supporting documents and photos to back your application.

If you would like to discuss an application before submitting to the fund, please contact us using the details below.

Applications are considered monthly until the funding runs out, with funding awarded on a first come first served basis. The deadline for applications is Friday 29 November or when funds have been fully allocated.

All projects must be completed by 31 March 2025.

Who can apply for funding

Your charitable organisation, voluntary or community group must be a properly constituted not-for-profit body or organisation. It must have its own bank account. You will need to send us your constitution and a set of accounts with your application.

Your project must promote a sense of pride in the local area, and/or unity by engaging in activities that improve physical, cultural, and social connections, or access to local amenities and green spaces.

All relevant permissions or licences must be in place (if applicable) and the project must be able to be completed by 31 March 2025.

Supporting documents you need to provide with your application

When you send your application to us, you will also need to email us copies of the following documents:

  • A copy of your organisation's constitution
  • A copy of the organisation's latest audited/independently checked accounts or, if you are a new group, a projected budget for the first year together with a bank statement
  • If your organisation works with children, young people or vulnerable adults, your safeguarding policy
  • Written quotes for the items/services to be purchased

What your funded project must deliver

We welcome bids from organisations for projects that align with our identified UK Shared Prosperity Fund Pride in Place priorities and themes, which are:

  • Supporting community integration initiatives
  • Improving access to physical and/or cultural activities
  • Improving access to local amenities and green spaces
  • Building capacity and capabilities of community groups

Projects could include, but are not limited to:

  • Visually enhancing areas by ‘greening’ (new trees, planting etc)
  • Encouraging walking, cycling or other physical activities within communities
  • Supporting arts, culture, and heritage activities to increase engagement and integration

Our key criteria assessment

Following our checks to see if your group can qualify for a grant, we will assess your application on our key criteria:

  • How the project addresses local challenges and opportunities
  • Delivery of UKSPF Pride in Place outputs and outcomes (see above criteria)
  • Value for money
  • Deliverability, both financial and technical
  • The project must be completed by 31 March 2025

What happens once you've applied

We will contact you to let you know we've received your application and when you might expect to hear from us with a decision.

We will check your application form along with the enclosed documents to see if it is complete. If it is not complete, we will ask you for the missing information. We may also contact you for additional information.

If you do not complete the form fully or fail to provide additional information, we will not consider your application for a grant.

The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Residents will make their decision having looked at all the information provided on the application form and supporting documents.

We consider applications on their merits and the amount of available funding. We try to support as many appropriate schemes as we can.

If your application is successful

You will need to return a signed acceptance form and supporting documents before we issue your grant.

You will need to complete the project and spend all money before 31 March 2025.

You must only use your grant for the purpose you applied for. We will only release funding for the agreed elements shown on the acceptance form.

Within three months completion of the project, you will have to give us a short report. To help with this, we will provide you with a feedback form template.

We will record details of successful grants and publish them on this website.

Other sources of funding

Contact us

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