You will need permission from us if you are planning to distribute free printed materials such as leaflets and flyers.
Leaflets, flyers and brochures are often discarded once they have been given out or attached to cars and can turn in to litter very quickly.
By asking you to get our permission first, we aim to reduce the amount of litter caused by this type of material.
We charge a £50 administration fee, which we will take if your application is successful.
If you are distributing free material on behalf of a charity (within the meaning of the Charities Act 1993), or for political, religious or belief purposes, you do not need to apply for permission.
How to apply for permission
You can apply online using the GOV.UK website. You must tick all the boxes, which apply to your business, answer all the questions and give all the information requested. You will need to include a copy of the material you are planning to distribute.
Application process
We will get back to you with a decision within ten working days of receiving your application.
If we don't give you permission and you would like to discuss our decision, please contact us using the details below.
Permission lasts the length of time as stated on each individual application. If you would like to carry out another distribution, you will need to apply again.
Making changes to your application
You can change your details online using the GOV.UK website.
Alternatively, you can tell us about a change to your application by contacting us using the details below.
Contact us