If, as a childminder, you give food to a child in your care, food hygiene legislation will apply to you.

This includes all food, from a drink of orange to a full cooked meal.

The only exception would be when the child's parent or guardian has prepared the food, but you are responsible for storing it safely once it has been delivered to you.

We will not normally inspect childminders unless we receive complaints or if there is a case of food poisoning associated with your childminding.

In these cases, we will carry out a normal investigation and expect the same standards of safety as any other food business.

Childminder registration 

Childminders are no longer required to register separately as a food business with us. This change came into effect in January 2014.

You only need to register with Ofsted. Any relevant information will be shared between authorities.

Safer food, better business for childminders

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has produced a food safety management pack to help childminders and other childcare providers meet food hygiene rules. The pack  helps you keep a record of what you do to make sure the food you give to children is safe to eat.  The pack has important information on food hygiene and includes a diary for simple record keeping. It will help you to prove you are meeting food safety rules.

You will find more information on the FSA - Safer food, better business for childminders web page, where you can download the full pack, free of charge.

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