Each portfolio is made up of a group of services which reflect the council's strategic objectives.
The role of portfolio holders
- Contributing to the development and implementation of the council's policies, budget, strategies and service delivery and to take the lead as necessary at Cabinet meetings on items within the portfolio
- Taking responsibility for a range of council services and functions which are delegated to the Cabinet
- Making decisions on specific issues within the portfolio as permitted in the Scheme of Delegation and the council's constitution
- To be accountable to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the council and the local community for the portfolio
Within their area of responsibility, the portfolio holders will:
- Act as spokespeople inside and outside the council
- Liaise with relevant council officers
- Make sure they have a clear understanding and knowledge of their portfolio
- Make sure the council has appropriate methods of consultation and communication in place
- Attend the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and the Policy and Project Advisory Board when required
Economy, Skills and Regeneration
Portfolio holder: Councillor Julie Hall
Key roles and responsibilities
- Economy and skills
- Regeneration
- Property and estates
Housing and Planning portfolio
Portfolio holder: Councillor Keith Dibble
Key roles and responsibilities
- Homelessness and housing options
- Strategic housing
- Private sector housing
- Policy planning and development management
- Building control
- Highways and infrastructure
Healthy Communities and Active Lives portfolio
Portfolio holder: Councillor Sophie Porter
Key roles and responsibilities
- Community development and health
- Leisure (including lido, leisure contracts, Princes Hall and new leisure centre) and active lifestyles
- Culture
- Community cohesion / community engagement
- Democracy
- Member support
- Elections
Pride in Place and Neighbourhood Services portfolio
Portfolio holder: Councillor Christine Guinness
Key roles and responsibilities
- Environmental health
- Parks and open spaces
- Place protection – community safety and safeguarding
- Waste and contract services
- Crematorium
- Customer services and facilities
Finance and Resources portfolio
Portfolio holder: Councillor Alex Crawford
Key roles and responsibilities
- Strategic finance and Medium Term Financial Strategy
- Capital
- Audit
- Insurance
- Revenue and benefits
- IT and cyber security
- HR
- Payroll
- Learning and development
Policy, Performance and Sustainability portfolio
Portfolio holder: Councillor Jules Crossley
Key roles and responsibilities
- Policy, strategy and performance
- Risk management
- Emergency planning
- Procurement
- Transformation and improvement
- Sustainability and climate change
- Equalities
- Legal
- Information management
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