Our guidance notes to help you plan your invite for the Mayor of Rushmoor to attend your event.
Before the event
Notice to attend
Please give us 6 weeks’ notice of your event. You can fill in our invite the mayor to your event form or use the following contact details:
Mayoral appointments
Council Offices
Rushmoor Borough Council
Farnborough Road
GU14 7JU
Phone: 01252 398832
Email: mayor@rushmoor.gov.uk
Event details form
If the mayor is provisionally available to attend your event, we will usually ask you to complete our event details form. This should be completed and returned to us so that your booking can be confirmed. We ask that this form is completed in order that the mayor has all the information that they need in order to attend the event and fulfil any requirements asked of them.
Events with tickets
Where entry or a seat at the event requires a ticket, please ensure that tickets are available to collect, or sent to the council offices, at least 5 working days in advance of the event.
Speeches and toasts
If the mayor is required to respond to a toast or make a speech, details for the speech should be provided at least 5 working days in advance of the event. Please tell us any particulars that may assist, and any specific points you might wish the mayor to make.
In most circumstances, the mayor will attend functions wearing the Mayoral Badge of Office. In the Event Details Form, we ask for information about the appropriate dress to be worn for the occasion. Embarrassment over dress to the civic party can be avoided by a clear and full description.
During the event
Parking for the mayor
Where possible, it would be helpful if a parking space can be reserved as near as possible to the main entrance to the venue/event for the mayor’s vehicle.
Please ensure that a person is available to greet the mayor on arrival and that the mayor is then accompanied, not necessarily by the same person, for the whole event.
The mayor will normally arrive not more than 10 minutes before the start of the event. Please bear in mind that the mayor sometimes has several civic engagements in the same day, and will need to leave your event on time in order to maintain their schedule.
Mode of address
The correct form of address when talking to the mayor is ‘Mr/Madam Mayor’ and to the mayoress, 'Mayoress’. If the mayor has a consort or escort, that person is referred to by name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms etc). The deputy mayor is addressed as ‘Mr/Madam Deputy Mayor' and the deputy mayoress/consort or escort of the deputy mayor is addressed by name.
The correct description for the purpose of printing or for formal introduction is: ‘The Worshipful the Mayor of Rushmoor, Councillor X’ and if the mayoress/consort or escort is present: ‘The Worshipful the Mayor and Mayoress/Consort or Escort of Rushmoor, Councillor and Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss X’.
If the deputy mayor is present: ‘The Deputy Mayor of Rushmoor, Councillor X’ and if the deputy mayoress or deputy mayor’s consort or escort is also present: ‘The Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress/Deputy Mayor’s Consort or Escort, Councillor X and Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss X’.
Dinner events
Precedence and seating
The mayor is the first citizen of the borough and only yields precedence within the borough to the royal family or the Lord Lieutenant representing His Majesty The King in his official capacity. Accordingly, the mayor should usually be seated on the immediate right of the president, chairman or host. The mayoress/consort or escort sits on the immediate right of the mayor or on the left of the chairman. The deputy mayor, when acting for the mayor, should be accorded the same precedence as that which would be accorded to the mayor.
Toasts and speeches
If the mayor is to be asked to speak at any dinner or similar event, his/her toast should appear early in the toast list. Please provide all relevant details that may be helpful to the mayor in preparing his/her speech in advance.
Royal visits
If a member of the royal family will be present at the event, please seek advice and assistance from us at an early stage, about the detailed arrangements for such occasions.
For example the mayor must welcome the royal visitor first and be the last person to take leave of the royal visitor (subject to the presence of the Lord Lieutenant).
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