The group's terms of reference, which explains what it is aiming to achieve.

Scope and purpose

The Community Engagement Task and Finish group has been set up following a Council motion. The motion agreed that the Council would:

'Establish a cross-party working group to work with local community groups and leaders to better understand and address community concerns.'

Objectives of the group

  • To work together to mitigate community tensions
  • To understand concerns by facilitating constructive engagement with community groups and residents to ascertain their views and experiences
  • To work with community and voluntary groups to develop an enhanced programme of community engagement events and activities
  • To identify and learn from external speakers who have experience in community cohesion
  • To create a safe environment to discuss matters of concern and wellbeing, such as hate crime and personal safety
  • To encourage respectful participation in civic life and interaction between different community groups
  • To be open and transparent about the work and progress of the group and ensure frequent communication updates on cohesion related issues are shared


  • Councillor Sophie Porter (Chair)
  • Councillor Craig Card
  • Councillor Sue Carter
  • Councillor Alex Crawford
  • Councillor Halleh Koohestani
  • Councillor Sarah Spall
  • Councillor Stuart Trussler


Frequency of meetings to be agreed.


There is a budget of £50,000 to support this work.

The group will report back to the council on the findings, progress and allocation of funding.

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