A building notice allows you to carry out building works without having to provide plans first.

Who can apply for a building notice

You can apply for a building notice if you do not need the protection of full plans approval.

When to use it

You can use it for most domestic building work proposals, but if a public sewer is found within 3 metres of any proposed foundations, you will need a formal 'build over' agreement from Thames Water. Please visit the Thames Water website for more information.

However, if a 'build over' agreement is required and you don't have an agreement in place, you will need to apply for a full plans notice.

It is especially suitable for simple projects or by professionals who understand the requirements of the building regulations.

You cannot use it for work that involves offices, shops, railway premises, hotels or boarding houses.

We have provided a building notice checklist to help guide you through the process. 

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you get professional advice about your scheme before you start work.

Fees for a building notice

If you apply for a building notice, you will only have to pay one fee and this is when you submit the application.

How to apply for a building notice

Apply by email

  1. Fill in and email to us a building notice application form
  2. Pay the fee by making a building control payment on our secure online payment system

Apply by post

  1. Fill in and print out a building notice application form and post it to us
  2. Pay the fee by sending a cheque payable to 'Rushmoor Borough Council' with your completed form or if you prefer, you can pay for it online by making a building control payment on our secure online payment system

If we need more information, we will ask you for it.

What happens when we receive your building notice form

When we receive a building notice form, we will usually send an acknowledgement within 48 hours and we will write to you to let you know what happens next.

We may ask for details about certain aspects of the works, for example structural calculations, layout plans or heat loss calculations.

Once we have carried out all the necessary inspections and the work complies with building regulations, we will issue a completion certificate. This certificate will be important if you sell your property and we recommend that you ask for it when your builder completes the work.

We will also need you to provide us with a completion declaration as part of the completion process. This must be signed by all duty holders including the owner, builder and designer.

The completion certificate will be important if you go on to sell your property and we recommend that you ask for it when your builder completes the work.

Planning permission

You may also need planning permission for your proposal. If so, you must have it in place before you start on site. For more information, please see our Do I need planning permission? page.


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