We have consulted on a draft biodiversity supplementary planning document (SPD).

We consulted on a draft Biodiversity supplementary planning document (SPD) between 29 August and 10 October 2023.

We will now review all the responses received before deciding whether the document should be adopted or if any changes are needed.

What the supplementary planning document is for

The draft Biodiversity supplementary planning document (SPD) gives you guidance on how you should consider biodiversity as part of the development process.

It also sets out how planning applicants should meet the new national mandatory requirement for a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain on new developments. This requirement is due to be introduced on large development sites from January 2024.

The SPD will support the implementation of policies within the Rushmoor Local Plan, including:

  • Policy NE1: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area
  • Policy NE4: Biodiversity

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