There are several ways to pay your business rates, but the easiest and best way is by direct debit.

However you pay, always be sure to quote your business rates billing number. It is  on the front of your bill, near the top right-hand corner.

Direct debit

If you have a bank or building society account, the best way to pay your business rates is by direct debit.

We will automatically collect your monthly instalments, as long as there is sufficient money in your account.

Setting up a direct debit

If you are the only person needed to authorise a direct debit instruction, the easiest way to set up a direct debit on your bank account is to use our direct debit set-up web page.

Alternatively, you can set up your direct debit over the phone by calling our Billing and Collection team using the contact details on this page. You can also download and complete our direct debit instruction form.

Online payments (24-hour service)

Go to our secure online payment system and follow the on-screen instructions.

You can pay with most major cards (not Diners Club card or American Express).

Telephone (24-hour payment line)

Call our secure telephone payment line on 01252 398373.

You can pay by most major cards (not Diners Club card or American Express).

Payment through your bank

You can ask your bank to make a bill payment to Rushmoor Borough Council:

  • Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc
  • Sort code: 30-80-12
  • Account: Rushmoor Borough Council
  • Account number: 13006860
  • Reference: Quote your business rates billing number

Please send your remittance advice to

Contact us

Business rates - billing, collection and recovery

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