Our Cabinet have endorsed a budget of £10,000 to buy up to six Public Access Defibrillators (PADs) for specific locations across Rushmoor where existing coverage is considered inadequate.
They also agreed to support the work of First Responders to co-ordinate daily checks of the new defibrillators and provide defibrillator awareness training sessions. Ongoing costs will be borne by community organisations. A recent survey showed that there are currently 141 defibrillators in the borough.
The council will also work with local public houses to help them fund special bleed kits prioritising these areas where anti-social behaviour is prevalent.
The Deputy Leader of Rushmoor Borough Council, Councillor Sophie Porter, said: “We are committed to improving public safety by ensuring these funds are allocated for defibrillators and bleed kits throughout our community.
“This investment ensures that life-saving equipment is readily available, increasing the chances of survival during cardiac emergencies.”
For more information, please see the Cabinet report.
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